Creating Comfort in a Time of Chaos

Austin and Kat vial of CBD for dogs
Posted in: Health & Wellness

Whether you are still at home or returning to work, the recent months of the pandemic have likely been a stressful time for your dog. For some animals, the owner’s continual presence can be a source of stress and hyperactivity. Dogs are social animals, but they need their rest, too. It may be harder for them to rest if they are consistently tempted to play.

As some of us return to work and begin to resume our busy schedules, we’re leaving the house more. If your dog has gotten used to your presence since spring, leaving him for long periods of the day can pose a problem as well. Separation anxiety can be very real for your animal.

Now is a time that your dog may need a little extra help staying calm. Tall Tails has joined forces with our friends at pet CBD-producer Austin & Kat to provide you with some strategies for keeping your animal calm during this trying time.

Below Are Some Anxiety Relief Methods for Animals

Bailey’s No More Wiggles Functional CBD Tincture

This product is helpful for pets that might need a little extra support to feel calm. Our special blend produces several significant benefits for your animal, that all begin with a calming effect on their nerves.

No More Wiggles also enhances brain function, while curbing destructive behavior. All of this leads to a less hyper dog, that is more capable of a balanced disposition. Your dog will be more equipped to stay content during separation, travel, or while he is experiencing motion sickness.

How Does CBD Work?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of several natural occurring compounds in hemp. It works on the body’s endocannabinoid system, a regulatory system for managing stress, free radical damage, and the immune system. CBD oil such as No More Wiggles, can help provide the calm and relaxation that your dog needs, while improving health.

Not All Hemp Oil is Created Equal

Austin & Kat places a premium on safe CBD extraction to deliver a high quality, reliable product for your pet. Our oils are heavily tested to ensure quality. We also focus on premium ingredients so that you get the most out of the experience.

The natural ingredients found in No More Wiggles work to enhance the calming effect on your dog. Below is a list of key ingredients:

  • Organic Lavender
  • Organic Valerian Root
  • Organic Passionflower
  • Organic Chamomile
  • Organic Rosemary

Creating a Relaxing Environment Within Your Home

CBD regiment is not the only way to induce a calming effect for your animal. You can also work on environmental changes to help relax your pet. These two strategies can be attempted individually or combined to create a higher level of calm.

When you can provide your dog with the right products to feel safe and secure inside your home, they will also feel more comfortable and relaxed. Dogs are still ultimately den animals, and the right combination of belongings can help them recreate the perfect feeling of security. Below are some common products we’d recommend.

The Dream Chaser Bed

The Dream Chaser is perfect for dogs that love to nest, burrow, or curl into their bed. It’s a source of comfort and security that they can come back to as they need to lay their head. It is made with a reversible exterior for custom temperature control.

The product is 100 percent polyester and easily machine washed and tumble dried, for convenient care. The Dream Chaser is made in a variety of styles and sizes, so you can find the best one for your animal, and your indoor environment.

Dog Blankets

Tall Tails makes blankets that keep your dog comfortable and secure. Blankets make a perfect enhancement for the Dream Chaser, or can be taken on the go to provide those favorite, familiar scents of the home for a long ride. They can also protect furniture by giving your dog a more tempting place to sleep.

A Tall Tails blanket also makes for a great first gift for a new pet owner, and can be a calming factor in dogs of all ages, from young puppy to older. They can also be easily washed and dried for convenient cleaning.

Keeping Your Dog Calm

Every dog is different, and it may take some trial and error to figure out what helps your animal achieve a state of calm. You can test certain changes to the environment and CBD products to find out what works best for your animal.

For many of us, our schedules have changed due to the pandemic, and that change can be a source of anxiety for our pets. Environmental changes and CBD can be a winning combination that provides a restorative impact and helps your animal find a sense of calm.

Let Austin & Kat and Tall Tails help you navigate this challenging transition period for your animal!

October 8, 2020
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